Au Pair Me Up specialises in helping families find the right help for their household, whether that is with an au pair, nanny, senior helper or babysitter. We use numerous sources to ensure we have a constant flow of high quality candidates ready to start. We begin the process by determining your family's unique needs and preferences, using the family registration form. We then match your requirements against our applicants to identify the most suitable candidates for your family. Next, we conduct an initial phone interview, making sure they are competent and trustworthy. We then arrange for them to meet you and your family, so that you can make the final decision. This is because having live-in help is like adopting a new member of your family - only you can determine who is the best fit for your family. When you interview the candidates yourselves, we strongly recommend that you do it in the presence of your children. This way you can see instantly whether the applicant has a natural rapport with your children. If none of the candidates that we presented to you for an interview is exactly what you are looking for, we will happily go back to the drawing board until you find someone that you feel completely at ease with.
After you have selected your favourite candidates, we screen them by checking their social media, references, Blue Card and First Aid Certificate. We also provide candidates with an on-line training course to ensure they are equipped for the essentials of child development and care. We know from personal experience the critical importance of selecting only people you can trust with the care of your children. This is why we also get the candidate to complete a psychometric test to ensure they have a suitable temperament for the job.
Once the selection process has been finalised and you are ready for your candidate to start, we provide you with a tailor-made induction pack. This helps to clearly outline all of your expectations in terms of the duties and responsibilities. We have found from years of experience that this kind of preparation can help to prevent misunderstandings later down the track. We also provide you with a template employment contract to use with your candidate. These steps help to ensure that your experience with Au Pair Me Up is as seamless as possible.
Even with all these steps, it is never completely possible to ensure absolute compatibility when someone is living with you. We always tell successful candidates that the first month is a probationary period. If you are even slightly uncomfortable with your chosen candidate, we ask that you contact us immediately. The last thing we want is for you to not be absolutely satisfied with the person looking after your children. As such, we will happily replace your carer, free of charge, at any time within the first three months if it doesn't work out.

All of our candidates at AuPairMeUp can devote their full attention to your children alone. At AuPairMeUp we provide you with screened candidates, but you then personally interview them - this way you can know for sure that the candidate is exactly the right match for your family. The individualised attention that our candidates can give means that you can tailor the care exactly according the your children's needs and your personal preferences.
Having your children cared for in the comfort of your own home can bring with it numerous benefits. It allows greater flexibility for parents without having to worry about when the childcare centre will close. Another benefit that many parents have found is that their children no longer pick up the constant germs from the childcare centre. Having in-home help means that you can break this cycle - no more battling with sickness after sickness. Without the confines of a childcare centre, many parents encourage their nanny / au pair to take their children on mini excursions, whether that's to the museum, a park or even the zoo. This means your children can having a truly magical experience in their early years.
If you like, your au pair can help with any of the household chores whether it is cleaning, ironing, laundry or even cooking. Having someone in the household who can ease the workload means that you get to spend more time simply enjoying your children. As we've said before, the important thing is to communicate exactly what you want from your au pair right from the beginning. If you look after your au pair and treat them well you will find that they are only too happy to help you where they can.
When you choose to have a nanny or an au pair, you gain full control over who looks after your children and how they do it. You can direct them to care for your children in whatever way you prefer with regards to your values, routines and the needs of your children.​ This means that you can have complete peace of mind that your children are getting the very best care.